RAMZPAUL makes Chris Gethard Sad

So mainstream television and movie writer, Chris Gethard, did a 9 minute rambling video psychoanalyzing me. Ummm.... creepy.

Chris seems to think that I am some sort of angry and depressed men's rights activist that rants on message boards all day. WTF? I never post on any message boards. So I am not sure where Chris got that idea.

And angry and depressed? Where did he get that idea? I love life and I am always joking around. It is like he had some feminist stereotypical image of what Red Pill men are like. I guess we are supposed to always be angry and depressed and hate women. I guess that is the official narrative.

And rapey? I admit that I do like girls. But rapey like a sexual predator? Whenever I hear of the word "sexual predator" I think of a velociraptor with a six foot long penis raping women across the world. Yup, that sounds about right!

Anyway, the Cathedral is getting very nervous. Too many of you guys are getting BAD IDEAS. KNOW YOUR PLACE AND QUIT GETTING UPPITY IDEAS!

One of Chris's commode routines. Jokes about his forehead and his mother getting raped.


  1. He makes a huge leap by assuming you are the exact person he sees in a three minute video in every other area of life.
    Just because you may be angry or be portraying anger in a video doesn't mean you're an angry person. And being angry about men being destroyed and masculinity being basically seen as criminal, sick, and "rapey"??, from birth is a pretty righteous thing to be angry about...God is masculine, man is made in His image not woman..it makes sense that as society more openly hates God that they more openly hate His image in creation.
    Also, if memory serves me, you have a beautiful, extremely intelligent daughter that I remember you making a lovely video about when she graduated; I don't think you hate women at all.
    Hope you had a Happy Father's Day, have a good night!

    1. It is ironic that an actor would think they know all about me based on watching my character in a 3 minute video. But he was just reading from the usual Marxist narrative. Facts don't concern such people.

  2. I like how in that standup video he encourages people to leave hateful comments and says that nothing they say could hurt his feelings, and then in his video to you he says that the comments from your site hurt his feelings. It looks like the red pill community really knows how to hit the Marxists where they're most vulnerable.

    1. I think it is funny how Chris claims my videos are too "gross" (hilarious coming from a Hollywood type). And then in a stand up routine he does a joke about his mother being raped.

  3. RamZpaul offends smug, self-righteous Lefty by telling the truth. Well done, Ramz.

    1. What was odd was how unfunny his response was. He is supposed to be a professional comedian. And the best he could come up with is a joke about a dirty glass?

  4. I could only listen to about 2 minutes into Gethards video rambling, he gives gingers a bad name. He seems he might be an eskimo....not sure. For a comedian, he has no sense of humor. Ramz, you know that wouldn't be a fair challenge. You would probably make him cry and it might ruin his lustrous career. If he did take you up on it, I would have to be in the audience to see it. Man, that would be so much fun.

    1. I suspect they would only agree if they had control of the editing. Remember how the media edited Zimmerman's 911 call?

    2. Yes. Of course they would edit it and frame it in the narrative they want. But, I don't think they could even frame it since you would probably smoke this guy. Funny, I never heard of him until your videos. I'll say it again, you have the talent/wit to rival any of these hollywierdo comedians. Instead of a John Stewart we deserve a Ramzpaul show! Heads would explode!

    3. "Instead of a John Stewart we deserve a Ramzpaul show!"

      I enthusiastically agree. And the chances of that happening in the Land of the Free? Zero.

  5. Makes sense now. This Gethard(sic!) character is obviously a white knight who still thinks of women as just overgrown children and the male's god ordained role is to guide and protect them because females simply do not pack the gear to protect or make life choices for themselves. Sort of like a seeing eye German shepard I guess. Hey, Chris if you are reading this here is a clue. Women can take care of themselves and the real sexist problem in this culture is men being treated (by other men by the way) like medieval Russian serfs in the family court racket! No civil rights, no property rights and no rights to their own children!

  6. I have no idea who this guy is, but I first heard of him when you posted a video several days ago in which he attacks MRAs (Men's Rights Activists) and scolds young men for not being sufficiently feminist.

    Anyway, I found it amusing that your brief and amused video response to his lengthy 9 minute + diatribe seems to adhere to the fifth commanment of Heartiste's Sixteen Commanments of Poon ('Adhere to the golden ratio').

    1. I also never heard of him.My guess is that he is some sort of B list celebrity trying to jump start his career over the Elliot Rodgers thing. But the Internet is an open system - people can easily call you out on bullshit. People can watch my videos for themselves to realize he is full of shit.

      He seems flabbergasted that someone in "fly over" country can have more popularity than those connected to NY and Hollywood. And, ironically, I rarely do videos with a MRA or PUA theme, Yet he seems to think I am some sort of MRA cult leader that tells young men what to do.

      I do videos because it is something I enjoy doing, There is no hidden agenda. I have viewers, not followers. And people who have sold out can't comprehend such a notion. For he is constrained as to what he can say and still make it in the ultra left wing Hollywood/NYC arena. I don't give a shit about that so I am free to say what I think. Very Red Pill way of living. And I love it.

    2. You're lucky to have enough money saved up so you don't have to be a slave.

  7. Plaid shirt, white t-shirt. Just one o' the guys.........

    Except that, yes, he looks like a Woody Allen.

  8. Chris Gethard.. boy can he talk I just wish he had something worth hearing.

    He no longer uses cafepress so it should be uncool to everyone. I bet he's one trendy dude. Probably wearing some flashy shoes and making vine videos right now. Joking aside I think his response was fairly mature. Some of the snarky comments at the end were not very relevant.

    My problem with his original video was it sounded like he was telling folks to lower their expectations. Don't try hard to reach big goals or dreams all you really want is a TV to zone out to and a woman ok with settling for less too. Kinda sad.

  9. Race realism that really counts. Why white males will become the laughingstock biological slaves of the black race.

    Liberals say evolution made all races the same, and conservatives say God created all races the same, but race realism shows that while white men are smarter-nerdier than black males--just like Asian males are nerdier than white males--, black men totally whup white boy ass in athletics and sexual prowess that really turns on women.


  10. He's a manboob mining the manosphere and race reality movements for material he knows will play well with status whoring feminized anti-whites. As the ROI on hating white men decreases it should be fun to watch these mental midgets and moral cowards deal with the growing backlash.


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