No Charges! Will the promised looting disappoint?

A Grand Jury decided that there was not enough evidence to charge policeman Darren Wilson for the  shooting death of the "gentle giant" Michael Brown.  The Gentle Giant spent his last morning robbing a convenience store and assaulting an Asian clerk.  He then attacked the policeman and was subsequently sent to the great Swisher Sweet in the sky. Truly, the World lost a scholar and a gentleman.

Of course there was outrage as it is politically incorrect for a White man ever to shoot a youth, even in self defense. This sparked the initial riot in August. The looters expressed their sorrow by stealing plenty of liquor. Liquor helps to dull the pain.

But now the professional protesters have taken over. And it is rather cold. Looting is more fun in jungle like weather. So I doubt much will happen.

The obvious solution is to have separate countries. One with European civilization and one with African... tribalism. Seems like a win win solution to me.


  1. So where was the Missouri National Guard that was activated and put into place days before the lootin' and tootin' started? Also, extra police from surrounding areas was also brought in to secure the town. So, where were they?

  2. Without the Michael Brown narrative, how could Barry quell America's rejection of amnesty, or stop them from taking a moment to realize the scale of what he just did to them?
    Now, what was I saying?


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