The Real Victims of Sydney

So a Muslim takes a bunch of White Christians hostage and he kills two. Who are the victims? Well, the Muslims, of course, At least that is the official narrative.

Muslims now fear a "backlash". What backlash? Whenever White people get murdered we get a lecture from the Cultural Marxists about our "White Privilege". If a White person should even whisper a mild objection about our people being slaughtered, he is branded as a "NAZI" or a "RACIST".

Could you imagine if the situation was reversed? What if Christians immigrated into a Muslim country and conducted car bombings and decapitated innocent Muslims? Do you think the Social Justice Warriors would be quick to defend Christianity?


  1. I don't want open borders either, but Muslims don't control border policies in the West. Jews do. Obama who gave amnesty to millions of illegals were put into office with Jewish money and media. GOP is also largely funded by Jews, the pro-amnesty Neocons.
    Same thing in Australia. Jews are powerful there. Immigration policies are decided by the elites, not by the immigrants.

    Also, it's the West that, at the behest of Jews, invaded the Middle East and caused all kinds of havoc over there. The West encouraged Iraq to attack Iran in the 80s. The West destroyed Iraq because Iraq invaded Kuwait. But the US initially gave Hussein the green light to invade Kuwait. The US, in service to Israel, destroyed the lives of Palestinians. The West destroyed Libya. It undermined stability in Syria. So, the entire place is up in arms due to Western intervention(directed by Zionist elites). So, a lot of displaced Arabs and Kurds seek refuge in places like Australia.

    So, if you want the Arabs and Muslims to stay in their homelands, then how about telling Western elites to stop using wars and sanctions to destroy the Middle East and North Africa. Leave those people alone.

    But guess what? Jews are now saying we need a war with Iran!

    1. 100% correct.

      Muslims and blacks are the symptoms, Jews have been the instigators. This becomes blindingly obvious once you start looking beneath the covers.

  2. Ramsey, you sound like some Stormfront white supremacists. I wouldn't be surprised if you had the David Duke book collection on the shelf we can't see in the video.

    It's always the Jooooooz with you Nazis. You are just an ignorant anti-Semite.

    1. You just proved his point. Well done.

    2. It's a sarcastic cheap-shot at Ramsey. If he bothers to read these comments he definitely gets it.

      The message in the video is 100% bang-on reality, like most of Ramsey's work.

    3. I love your factual point-by-point logical rebuttal of RamZ. Brilliant stuff. No content-free finger pointing from you. /sarc

  3. They are Social Justice Wankers not "warriors".

  4. And over here in GB on the BBC the narrative is that the killer wasn't a terrorist or 'militant' or Islamist or definitely NOT linked to any 'group', no he was just a lone nutter.
    Nothing to do with Islam at all you see;)

  5. Muslims are worried about a backlash against them after next Tuesday's bombing.

  6. That old Polish saying about the J-people was originally a French saying about people from Laos (which France controlled for like 200 years or so).


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