Feminism, White Girls and Sex Scandals

The Washington Post lists the 16 leading feminists of 2015.  What is interesting is there is only one White girl in the bunch. The rest are women of color or men pretending to be women.

The feminist rhetoric has also become more anti-White and anti-normal sexuality. Feminism does not seem to be an ideology for White women who like men.


The Prince Andrew sex story is a reminder of the sexual market place. The girls desired by the elite and powerful leftists are not the strong, transgendered women of color. No, despite all their talk of supporting feminism and "social justice" these liberal men desire young White girls.

Everyone know this. Hence, feminism at its core is based on envy. Pretty White girls are not welcome.



  1. "The feminist rhetoric has also become more anti-White and anti-normal sexuality. Feminism does not seem to be an ideology for White women who like men."

    Ramzpaul, as usual you are right on the money.

    Three points I would like to make.

    1) Lesbians are a negligible segment of society but their influence is absolutely disproportional in the Feminist circles, due to the fact that so many visible and influential feminists are militant lesbians. What passes as "feminism" at close inspection is actually Lesbian Cultural War disguised as "feminism". See these two great piece on this problem: http://theothermccain.com/2014/07/14/sex-trouble-radical-feminism-and-the-long-shadow-of-the-lavender-menace/ and http://theothermccain.com/2014/08/10/hi-were-lesbian-feminists-and-were-here-to-talk-to-your-daughter-about-sex/;

    2) The other day, on Jack Donovan's FB page,someone commented that Feminism was just a White Privileged Women's thing. But then another commentator appropriately noted that much of what passes as 'White feminists' in fact are quite another thing. Indeed. Check this list: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Jewish_feminists. Just like lesbians, Jewish Women are also vastly and disproportionately over represented in feminism.

    3) It seems to me that the weakest of all the groups on the left vying for the dubious status of the most oppressed of all are White women and it is not hard to envision what the consequences of that will be for them. Just like the Democratic Party threw Hillary Clinton under the bus when it had to choose between her and a Black man during the 2007 nomination, the left will increasingly see White heterosexual women on par with White heterosexual men as the oppressors of the rest of mankind and sooner than later they will kick them out of the Civil Rights colorful tent of oppressed minorities. Actually there are signs that this is already happening: http://www.blackyouthproject.com/2014/01/study-white-woman-no-longer-face-discrimination-group-of-white-female-business-owners-threaten-to-sue/

  2. "What passes as "feminism" at close inspection is actually Lesbian Cultural War disguised as "feminism"."

    Well I was going to say much the same thing but you said it first, and better!


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