Twirlgate! The War Against Beauty

As the Cultural Marxist insanity progresses, it is getting hard to separate satire from reality. A recent example is shown in the video below. In the video Eugenie Bouchard, a tennis player, was asked by the reporter to twirl and show her outfit to the crowd. She blushed and did a twirl. She was happy. The crowd was happy. But feminists were butt hurt.

The problem feminists have is that Eugenie is quite pretty. And her twirl was done in a feminine manner. It was beauty. And Marxists hate beauty. You see it in their degrading art. And in their lives. So feminists would have cheered if Eugenie desecrated a Christian church while topless (e.g., Femen).  That is empowering! But to twirl with a sense of joy and beauty? That is hate.


  1. "So feminists would have cheered if Eugenie desecrated a Christian church while topless (e.g., Femen)"

    I agree. Might I add that if the reporter was a 'youth', he could have forcibly bent her over, smacked her ass, then 'twirled' her around and repeatedly slapped her across her face with his ding dong and you wouldn't hear a peep from ant of these progressive modern feminists

  2. Feminazis think that is their duty to "save" all women from that thing that does not exist called "patriarchy", whether if they want it or not. They think they have a superior morals and that all women should adhere to their priorities and ideology. Well, I call this authoritarianism. Or dictatorship or socialism. It is all the same. The freedom of the individual subdued to the authority of the state and the authority of the few.

    Most of these feminazis are ugly as orcs. It is envy.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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