Mike Cuckabee - To the Ovens!
Mike Huckabee, a Republican presidential candidate, is showing what it means to be a cuckservative. God's chosen people have demanded that us worthless White people fight and die in a war with Iran. Obama has refused such a war, so these Republican cucks like Huckabee have started to scream that peace means we are sending "Israelis to the oven!" http://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/iran-nuclear-talks/mike-huckabee-iran-deal-will-lead-israelis-door-oven-n398816 Of course, Mike Huckabee is too much of a fat ass to fight for fight and die for Israel. But he wants your sons and daughters to bleed for an alien nation. Mike is a cuckold. Meaning he would never defend the interests of his people. The idea that White people, like the Jews, have the right to self determination would send this cuck into a screaming fit. Of course the usual suspects scream and whine that it is "racist" and "white supremacists" for us to reject to starting a war and sending our childr...