Trump Spanks Blonde Reporter

Hillary Clinton (the Sea Hag) will win the election due to the racial demographics. But Donald Trump shows how to be a White man. He does not apologize. He does not cry.

I recommend that you watch all of the following video. Trump is facing a hostile reporter. But he maintains his frame and he does not apologize. By the end of the interview the reporter has lost her composure and is about to cry. She probably hates him. But she now respects him.

The key to leadership is not love, but respect.


  1. I thought the video was going to show Trump literally spanking a blonde reporter. Imagine my disappointment...

    1. It is a nice mental image. I bet that image is repeatedly going through that reporters mind as she gets all hot and bothered thinking back on that interview.....

  2. The "reporter" didn't look flustered to me at all. In fact, she was fondling her pen like she was stroking a penis and staring at Trump with the "fuck me" eyes.
    Trump was being a man. She was so wet by the end of the interview he probably wouldn't even have had to buy her dinner before taking her up to one of his palatial suites and dominate that pussy.

    1. She was flustered enough to fluff a few of her lines.

  3. Interesting piece by Justi Raimondo on making a good case for Trump being a false flag candidate for Clinton's campaign. Check it out:

  4. Interesting piece by Justi Raimondo on making a good case for Trump being a false flag candidate for Clinton's campaign. Check it out:


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