Mike Cuckabee - To the Ovens!

Mike Huckabee, a Republican presidential candidate, is showing what it means to be a cuckservative. God's chosen people have demanded that us worthless White people fight and die in a war with Iran. Obama has refused such a war, so these Republican cucks like Huckabee have started to scream that peace means we are sending "Israelis to the oven!"


Of course, Mike Huckabee is too much of a fat ass to fight for fight and die for Israel. But he wants your sons and daughters to bleed for an alien nation. Mike is a cuckold. Meaning he would never defend the interests of his people. The idea that White people, like the Jews, have the right to self determination would send this cuck into a screaming fit.

Of course the usual suspects scream and whine that it is "racist" and "white supremacists" for us to reject to starting a war and sending our children to die for an alien nation. Fuck them. We are no longer scared of their words. Their day is done. And they will be held accountable for what they have done.



  1. In 1969, pride meant landing on the moon.

    Today, pride means tunneling into the moon.

    1. In 1969, America put on man on the moon.

      In 2009, America put a monkey in the White House.


    2. What are you,some kind of racist? JOKING!!

    3. Wrong. America did not put a man on the moon in 1969. It didn't happen because the US did not, and still does not have, the technology to accomplish such a feat. In fact, even today, the US cannot launch a small rocket into space without Russia's help and assistance in the form of a reliable rocket engine. As to Obama, he was put in office by the same international banking cartel that has chosen every presidential candidate since Woodrow Wilson.

  2. I agree Obama is not all bad. By standing up to Israel and the Tribe's plans to further destabilise the Middle East, he may have justified his Nobel Peace Prize.

  3. Their day is done. And they will be held accountable for what they have done.

    Yes, they will.

  4. Be proud of your "white privilege" and "white supremacy." Celebrate them because without them our footprints (white man's) would not be on the moon's surface. All the modern conveniences everyone can't imagine doing without were invented by white supremacists.

    BTW: If the non white races had gotten to the moon before us and invented all the modern conveniences I would concede they had a right to be a bit uppity too! But they didn't.

  5. Ramzpaul buys into Zero's line that the only two options are "this agreement" (much of which even John Kerry hasn't seen) and ... WAR.


    You're usually pretty good R. When the Iranians chant death to America, they mean it, and mean to act on it, in big ways and small. Plenty that America could do short of WAR to stop the "Death to America" crowd.

    I know you love to ramp up the Jew Haters here, but maybe the truth isn't always in that direction.

    1. Iran's vocal belligerence is nothing but hyperbole. I'm sure there are many who hate America there, and with good reason. But destroying America isn't really top of their list. Their interests are largely regional.
      But you are right. There is plenty the US could do short of war, like cutting Israel adrift. The US supported Israel during the cold war because of fear of Russian influence in the region but they tried to be fair in their support. They didn't want to anger the Arabs too much because they wanted oil, so American support wasn't unconditional.
      But now there's no reason to keep on propping these people up. They're literally warmongering parasites and represent a barrier to good relations between America and the region. They're a liability. They must be cast adrift. That way Israel will learn some responsibility (they won't be able to hide behind Uncle Sam after every heinous thing they do) and America could maybe make new friends in the region. That might be too late though what with the debacle of Iraq and now Syria and all the bad blood they've accrued in the region. But whatever happens Israel has made her bed, and should be made to lie in it.

  6. https://www.facebook.com/topic/Oak-Street-Beach/103998372970922?source=whfrt&position=1&trqid=6177736441864233113

    Get a load of this nonsense.

    Some yrs back, black thugs were physically attacking whites on this beach, and the Chicago/national media said the beach was closed down because of hot weather(of around 80 degrees). All year around, we have blacks calling whites nasty names and beating them up, raping and robbing and etc. Media cover most of the crimes and violence up.

    In this case, rotten black kids brought up terribly by their dumbass mother splash water on a white woman who gets angry and call them nigs, something rappers call each other all the time.
    And SHE is the worst person in the world since Hitler... or that white dentist who killed Cecil the lion. (Never mind 99.99% of the poaching in Africa is done by blacks).


    1. Btw, I wonder how blacks would react if whites randomly splashed water on them.
      If a black person was treated thus and reacted with rage and violence, the SWPL idiots would be on his/her side and would say the whites got what they deserved.
      But blacks can do anything, and whites better just smile and remain quiet and walk away.

      How about black bodies leaving white bodies alone?

  7. Speaking of 'to the ovens'...


    This guy who isn't really German-German says Germany must go with open borders to atone for its guilt in WWII. But then, he calls for the same for Poland, one of the biggest victim nations of Nazi Germany. Hmm. I doubt if he calls for the same for Israel.

    And he smirks and rejoices over the prospect that Germans are not having enough children and will go extinct. He is worse than Barbara Specter.

    1. Andrea, "atone for its guilt in WW2"....Germany under the National Socialists attempted to find a peaceful solution to the Danzig Corridor Polish occupation - one of the outcomes of the criminal Treaty of Versailles - offering the Poles very generous terms for even just a transportation route to East Germany. But the Poles, under influence from the warmongers in Britain and the U.S., would have none of it. Add that fact with the ongoing mistreatment of ethnic Germans inside Poland at the time; you now have the reason Hitler had to invade, pleasing the Churchill and Roosevelt crowd, who really wanted that war. It was the Allies(All-Lies), who barbarically firebombed many German cities, including Hamburg and Dresden. Hundreds of thousands murdered for no military reason whatsoever. It's the old story, the victors write the post war lies and the Zionist press publish it ad infinitum.


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