Bernie Sanders Interrupted at Seattle Rally by Black Lives Matter Protesters

Democratic Presidential hopeful,  Bernie Sanders, speech was taken over by Black Lives protesters. Bernie rolled over and exposed his belly.

This photo has fucked his chances. Poor old Bernie is hanging his head in shame as he covers his genitals. He has spent his life advocating for "youths" and now they are ready to throw him in a pot and eat him.

Meanwhile, Trump inspires respect:


  1. LOL couldn't have happened to a more deserving white liberal! Things really begin to suck when your life's core beliefs get squashed by the very "youths" you admire and sympathize with.

  2. Couldn't stand the two big mouths that pushed Sanders out of the way, loved the two that stuck up for The Donald.

  3. Loved The Donald standing up in front of a bunch of machine politicos plus an audience of over 20million and nonchalantly announcing that as a businessman he regularly bought politicians - and once bought, he expected them to dance. This is not just a breath of fresh air, this is pure oxygen. The bowed silence from the assembled politicos was good too

  4. omg, those two black chicks in the video are hilarious! (Not the rude BLM chicks – I'm talking about the ones in that last video supporting Trump.) I had to look them up to find out who they were. RamZ, if you were to do a video with Lynette Haraway and Rochelle Richardson I think that would be awesome.

  5. I read where both of these orcs are on total disability. One of the favoite black scams is drawing a crazy check.They get paid because they are too nuts to work. Their able to shut down a large rally but they cant wash dishes or cook fast food. Do parasites lives matter. Fuck these leeches and fuck bernie for pandering to them.


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