Eight Things About Living in Romania

I had a great time in Romania. I highly recommend people from the United States to visit Eastern European countries. So far, the demographics have not been destroyed by the nation wreckers as has been the case with Western Europe. For the most part, Romanians (i.e., White people) live in Romania. Sadly this might change as Soros and his minions of genocide are now looking to the east. The EU is already demanding that nations such as Romania be "enriched" with Africans.

Below is an amusing video that Romanians showed me. Gypsies who immigrated to America lived in the same place as African Americans. This wonderful mosaic of diversity resulted in a Christmas war zone.


  1. "I highly recommend people from the United States to visit Eastern European countries"

    Well, I hope that certain people from the United States don't pay a visit to Romania or any other Eastern European country. I'm thinking of people like Heidi Beirich, Noel Ignatiev and George Soros.

    I have some Romanian acquaintances and it's great to be able to talk to them without the PC gag.

  2. Diversity is our greatest strife.


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