Jesse Benn - Advocates "White Wounding"

The Huffington Post published an article by Jesse Benn in which he advocates "White Wounding". The idea that we should harm someone because of his race is repulsive. I am surprised that a major web site would publish an article that advocates harming others based on race. Did the Huffington Post run this by their legal team? Potentially they could face legal issues if some nut should take Benn's advice and decide to "wound Whites".

Trigger Warning - I usually will not link to sites that advocate racial violence. But I think this is important to see.

Jesse - if you should read this post I hope you get some psychological help. Your rambling screed about wounding people based solely on their race is disturbing and potentially criminal.

Below is a video that Jesse loaded to YouTube that shows burning an American flag.


  1. Yet another great vid, Ramz.
    I routinely Google " ****** ***** + Finn" when I see an article/comment that fits so perfectly the Finnish agenda that I just have confirm my prejudice regarding the ethnicity of the Politician/Journalist etc/
    My success rate is about 80%.

  2. White racism is so bad that I'm going to avoid white countries, schools, and neighborhoods . . .SAID NO ONE EVER!

  3. And that is what happens when you let into your country different cultures, different races and cultural marxism. I am appalled at how stupid SJW are.

    But maybe, the worse we get, the better. It's the only way for people to react at stupidity.

    Of course, Mr. Benn is a member of the tribe, yet he speaks as he was an Anglo-Saxon or any other European. In behalf of us all. We don't need your "white guilt", Mr. Benn. You can go to Israel and preach there. Preach Jew guilt because of the Palestinians.

    1. He speaks as an Anglo-Saxon until Hamas is mentioned, and then it's All Izzy all the time.

  4. Jesse Benn is an Eskimo. Fancy that!


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