Megyn Kelly's Monthly Period To Decide the Presidency?

Living during the death of an Empire has some amusing moments. In the nation founded by men such as George Washington and Thomas Jefferson we now live in a country of bread and circuses in which some blonde's menstrual cycle is a primary issue facing the land.

This whole farce started when Megyn Kelly decided to ask Donald Trump a ridiculous question at the Republican Debate. The standard of living in America is deteriorating, the borders are being swamped turning the country into the Third World and mobs of "youths" are rioting and killing innocent people on sight. But Megyn decided the question most on the minds of Americans was why did Trump called some woman fat on Twitter.

Trump responded well and the audience exploded into a spontaneous applause. Trump stated we no longer have time for such politically correct bullshit. Poor Megyn could only sit there and look like she just ate a lemon.

After the debate Trump commented:

“You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her — wherever"

There is some debate if he meant to say "whatever" or "wherever". If it was "wherever" people assume that he meant blood was coming out of her vagina. Although, at her age, I am not sure Megyn still bleeds every month. For the good of the Republic, I think this question should be resolved.

Trump's comment caused cuckservative Erik Erickson to dis-invite Trump from his event. Erik has decided to White Knight for Megyn's hurt feels and exclude the leading Republican candidate from the Republican event. Hilarious.


  1. Even if he fails to become President, he will have forever exposed the corrupt relationship that exists between establishment politicians and the MSM.

  2. The more the combined Republican and media establishment attack him the more I like him. At some point they are going to get him, the kamikaze attacks on him just keep coming, but as long as he refused to apologise and be the whimpering cuck they want him to be he is going to be setting the agenda.

  3. Ladies and Gentlemen the new Teflon Don. Next time the media go after Trump they better bring Kryptonite. I think a lot of people are really starting to wake up to the media bullshit. The silver lining to all the michal brown, trayvon, black lives matter nonsence.

  4. As if The Donald needs either Erik Erickson, cuckservative chat show host and tool of the Koch Brothers, or redstate dot com, mouthpiece of The TEA Party ( now a lso a tool of the Koch Bros)

  5. Someone on the net said one or both of these garboons is on total disability. I hope they keep this shit up till bernie quits. After all he is an apologist for this kind of behavior. The garboons are to stupid to realize the guy their shouting down is on their side. I bet theirs another group who ol bernie likes even better. Fuck him and the horse he rode in on.

  6. Someone on the net said one or both of these garboons is on total disability. I hope they keep this shit up till bernie quits. After all he is an apologist for this kind of behavior. The garboons are to stupid to realize the guy their shouting down is on their side. I bet theirs another group who ol bernie likes even better. Fuck him and the horse he rode in on.


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