TV Reporter Murdered Live On Air

I predicted that such a shooting would happen. Anti-Whites have been increasing their genocidal speech against Whites. Just a few weeks ago a writer for Salon was advocating "White Wounding".

In their minds "racism" is worthy of death. I would not be surprised if Alison's "racism" was refusing this creature's sexual advances.

Nationalism is the only solution.

Note - There is an effort to censor the video of what happened. It does not fit the "narrative". So the actual shooting vid is being pulled down fast.


  1. What will it take to stir whites up?
    There must come a time when those responsible for stirring up the blacks and for the division between our own people and for the destruction of our culture built up over the years by our ancestors will have to pay.
    A hundred thousand Anders Breiviks is what they fear most and what they may get.

    1. A million Anders Breiviks!

      We are going to have to retaliate sooner rather than later.

  2. The scum media will do all they can to bury this story. We need a white network owned by and employing whites and whites only.

  3. Come on now. Give Vester a little credit. Yes, he was an anti-white black asshole but he did blow his brains out the same day in committed murder. Also, notice the media is downplaying and hardly mentioning his real reason for shooting these white reporters and that is to pay back for the Charleston incident a few months ago.


    “In a sometimes-rambling account of his time at WDBJ Flanagan accused co-workers of racially harassing him by placing a watermelon around the office.
    The watermelon would appear, then disappear, then appear and disappear, then appear and disappear again only to appear again,’ he wrote in a May 2014 letter to presiding Judge Francis Burkart.”

    I propose a new meme: Seeing Watermelons.

    Blacks with racistitis(affliction where blacks see everything thru the prism of 'racism') ‘see watermelon’ everywhere.

    Tell-Tale Watermelon.



  6. If White people had a Whites ONLY homeland of our own THIS would not be happening. We must make this happen by any and all means necessary.

  7. " I would not be surprised if Alison's "racism" was refusing this creature's sexual advances." Victor was a well known homosexual, so such a scenario is highly unlikely. From what I've gathered he had a lengthy history of imagined racial grievances going back to his twenties.


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