Ben Carson repeats German Gun Control Myth

Ben Carson repeated the myth that Hitler implemented strict gun control to leave the German people defenseless. Ben's theory was that the Jews could have defended themselves if they only has access to guns. This angered comedian Seth ((( Rogen ))) who tweeted "Fuck You" to Carson.

Like so many things about National Socialist Germany, this was a lie - an inversion of truth. In reality strict German gun control was passed in 1928 under a leftist government. The National Socialists were not in power at that time. Hitler was elected in 1933. Five years later in 1938, the National Socialists relaxed the gun control laws. Under Hitler, all Germans (including Jews) were allowed to own rifles. Handguns were also available with a permit. The only class of people excluded from gun ownership were the vagabonds and gypsies.

In another tweet, Rogen, a high-profile Hillary Clinton supporter (and Canadian citizen), expressed his anger over comments Carson made about gun control and Nazi Germany.

Below are the first pages of each gun control law. I have these laws in a pdf document. If you want a complete copy let me know and I will mail it to you.

The 1928 German Gun control Law.

The 1938 German Gun control Law.

1938 Gun ad in a German Newspaper

1945 - Allies confiscating civilian guns and swords


  1. True. It's also true that Hitler rose to power not in a vacuum--as if he were uniquely "evil"--but as a direct reaction to the Bolshevik ascendancy and Red Terror. After WWI Germany underwent political turmoil and civil conflict, with fighting in the streets between socialist revolutionaries and nationalist elements. Thus it could be said that the Communists created Hitler. Explain all this to a friend or family member and watch their jaw drop.

    1. Despite the propaganda, Hitler was popular with the German people. Hitler did not fear the German populace.

    2. There were a number of assassination attempts, but these reflected the resentment of a few, not the majority. Hitler's way to avoid assassination was not gun-control, but to travel highly varied routes and to make most of his public appearances on short notice so that there would not be much time to plan an assassination.

  2. Isn't it odd that the public media now allows the once banned words fuck you, shit, go to hell, dam asshole and the like but never ever the...................."N Word".....................................?

    1. The state religion has changed from Christianity to Cultural Marxism. That is why.

    2. But niggas can blacks niggaz in rap.

      And you can use 'nigger' if you're a hipster like Tarantino.

  3. This is a misfire for the cuckservative. Ben Carson is supposed to flame out AFTER he has drained away enough votes from Trump, leaving the way for El Jeb to take the nomination and lose to the Sea Hag.

    Seriously, look at the way he is promoted as an alternative to Trump despite being obviously inadequate. I wonder if his black victimhood card will beat the Jewish victimhood card in this spat.

  4. Thank you for this informative report Ram.

    1. Don't forget also to thank Dr. William Pierce, who published all this information in 1994.

      I am not sure if Ramzpaul has any material beyond what Dr. Pierce published, but it's good that he's promoting it.

    2. I have the pdf files of the Gun Control acts of 1928 and 1938 in German and the English translation. I posted the section in the 1938 act that prohibited Gypsies and Vagabonds from owning guns. Jews were not mentioned.

    3. The hard-copy version of Dr. Pierce's Gun Control in Germany has those. For some reason they are not in the online version. I knew the girl that did the translation.

  5. Incidentally, the primary spreaders of this myth was a noisy little entity called Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, which cowardly patriotards like Alex Jones were very eager to promote in the 1990s because it helped them to deflect the "nazi" or "anti-Semitic" label from themselves and to redirect it (spuriously) toward the government.

    1. Like most myths, it sounds reasonable on the surface. But most people don't bother to check the actual documents. The "Nazis took all the guns!" sounds good, but it is a myth.

    2. The problem with this kind of propaganda is that you are not dealing with just one lie, but with a whole complex of lies that are mutually consistent. Hitler was said to have done A, B, C, and D, and we can believe that Hitler did D, because the kind of person who does A, B, and C would certainly also do D.

      People resist understanding that any one of the claims is false, because it forces them to question the rest of the complex as well, and people don't like to think that much, and they don't like to admit having been fooled.

      I encountered the same thing with the propaganda about Saddam Hussein. I compared the lying about him to a merry-go-round of lies, bobbing up and down as they pass by. If you debunk one of the lies, there is still another, and another, and eventually the lie that you debunked comes back around again, without any recollection that it has been debunked.

      It works that way because, generally, people will not stay on one point. When you start making progress toward debunking one lie, they sense the implication that many other of their beliefs are false, which irritates them, so that they will interrupt you and say, Well what about THIS? By refusing to stay on one point long enough to hear a complete refutation of that one point, by making you take on the whole complex of lies simultaneously -- which is impossible to do -- they save for themselves the ability to dismiss your position based on the false intuition that lying on such a scale is unlikely.

      So, the crucial thing is to make them stay on that one point and not let them change the subject. If they won't do that then it's a waste of time trying to explain anything to them.

    3. Exactly. Don't let them change the subject when you have them cornered. Stay disciplined.

  6. Here is a very interesting essay by a man named Heinz Weichardt. He was half jewish and lived under the National Socialist. We aren't allow to hear from jews like him. Take the time to read what he has to say, you won't regret it.

  7. Every political and social order needs a Satan. For the post WWII world order that Satan was Hitler because Hitler represented nationalism, the elites wanted globalism, and Hitler came closest to threatening that objective. I believe that this order is collapsing and the image of Hitler as ultimate evil is collapsing with it. Whatever one's view of Hitler it is no longer possible to simply portray him and anything associated with him as the epitome of evil and be taken seriously anymore.

  8. According to Breitbarts' Ben Shapiro, Carson is correct-

  9. Too bad you can't read German not to mention the Altdeutsch used in these documents. I actually can read them because I'm German. I don't know if you left it out on purpose, but in §15 are more groups mentioned than in your translation. Most important are traitors or persons under the assumption they could be traitors. This would have been used against jews if in 1938 was anyone of them so naive to demand a weapon pass.
    But this law was made in 1938 and the jews didn't had weapons anymore by then, so it's not the big issue anyway. The nazis used the old law to confiscate weapons. But they weren't dumb to announce it and wait for an uprising. They did it step by step. Who would have stand up against the authorities in 1933 if jewish or not? Maybe you heard in Berlin they confiscated weapons in Munich, would anyone have taken his weapons and rioted against it? Simply No.

    1. ALTDEUTSCH? The girl who translated that for Dr. Pierce certainly could not read Old High German.

      I guess you mean the script, which is called Fraktur.

      You seem to make some big assumptions, Mr. Unknown. I think if, when they were writing this law, they'd meant to exclude Jews as a class from firearms-ownership, they would have put it in there. There was no need to pussyfoot around about it.

  10. Here's an interesting article about this subject with lots of footnotes. It claims to debunk the 'Hitler took all the guns so the Holocaust happened' myth, but actually seems to support both sides.

  11. There was an article on Salon a couple of years ago that I believe linked to that article.

    The question of whether Harcourt supports both sides depends on how you frame the issue.It depends on what claims are in question. It's important to understand that the 1990s Jewish-influenced patriotard argument was that Hitler took away ALL the German people's guns. Moreover they often claimed that Hitler introduced universal gun-registration shortly after coming to power. Clearly wrong on both points.

    Patriotards just love to play victim, and they certainly don't let facts get in the way. Surely if there is ever universal gun-registration in the USA, a Holocaust of the Patriotards will follow!

    The funny thing about Harcourt's article is that after he demonstrates in detail that the people who claim that Hitler registered and confiscated all firearms in Germany are ridiculously wrong and that they are repeating falsehoods that they copied from each other, after he admits basically that the 1938 law was less restrictive than the 1928 law, he cavalierly tosses out the claim that, 8 months after the 1938 law was enacted, Hitler issued regulations depriving the Jews of their firearms, and then the genocide of the Jews began!

    No supporting details, no quote, no footnote: just a bald assertion.

    It was after Kristallnacht in November 1938 that the decision was made Jews disempowering the Jews in Germany was not enough, that they should the country. Under the 1935 Nuremberg Laws Jews already did not have German citizenship, which means that they had no civil rights. No civil rights means no right to own a firearm.

    Even for somebody who believes in the Jews' Holohoax, the fact is that Hitler did not need a special gun-law to disarm and deport them, any more than Roosevelt needed a special gun-law to put ethnic Japanese (many of whom were U.S. citizens) into camps. Presumably, on those rare occasions when the U.S. government does its job of protecting U.S. citizens by deporting illegal aliens, it doesn't let the illegal aliens keep their guns while they are being transported either.

  12. One thing for sure, Jews in America wanna take guns away cuz Jews are the 2% that controls the government and courts. So, Jews are afraid of the 98% of gentiles who have guns. Jews want guns to be monopolized by the government that they themselves control.

    Whites would be anti-universal-gun-rights too if whites were a small minority ruling over a vast darky majority. Whites would want guns only in the government and in white hands, not in the hands of the darkies.

    Jews are pro-gun in Israel cuz they are the majority.

    Btw, there are two reasons why white Americans need guns.

    1. Negroes are stronger and more aggressive and often attack whites. Jews with guns could not have stopped the holocaust, but whites with guns can stop black robbers, rapists, murderers, thugs, and etc. Willie Horton the mofo gorilla could have been stopped with a gun.
    He physically overpowered the weaker white man(who was without a gun) and raped a white woman in front of the cucked white guy.

    Now, that is the real reason why white people want guns. But because they fear being called 'racist', they claim to need guns to stop the kkk and nazis. It's surreal. Whites need guns to protect themselves from negroes, but support a negro candidate who says Jews need guns to stop nazis. ROTFL.

    As US worships Jews and Negroes(MLK be our god), every argument has to spun in terms of "it is good for Jews or Negroes."

    But white people really want guns out of fear of Jews and Negroes.

    Jews control elite institutions and industries and use their power to destroy the white race with massive immigration, section 8, promotion of interracism, and denunciation of white history and identity.

    Negroes use their muscle to bully, rob, attack, rape, and murder whites.

    Jews and Negroes are the enemies of the white race..

    And look what Jewish elite power did to the Middle East.
    If Jews did that to Iraqis, Libyans, and Syrians, who says white gentiles won't be next? When Jewish power kills millions of foreigners, it may one day target Americans.(Btw, Jews have nothing against arming the enemy of their enemy. So, Jews even armed Neo-Nazis in Ukraine and ISIS in Syria to hurt Putin and Assad.)

    As white Americans lose control of all elite institutions, guns are all they got left.

    A more useful analogy is with the Soviet Union.
    Jewish elites took over and took away the guns and wealth of 'counter-revolutionaries'. Millions of Slavs got killed by Jewish commissars and their cuck-minions.

    1. This is my first time i visit here and I found so many interesting stuff in your blog especially it's discussion, thank you.

  13. Nice post about gun. Thank for share this post.


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