Black Lives Matter - Obama's Red Guard

Black Lives Matter (BLM) is a government approved terrorist organization. It is terrorist by definition -  it uses violence and intimidation for political gain. It is government approved in that Obama refuses to have the Justice Department arrest the members. BLM members are free to trespass and threaten University officials without fear of arrest.

BLM has now jumped the border and threaten Canadian Universities. Because at its core, BLM sees White people as the class enemy.

Make no mistake, if a White Lives Matter organization performed the same tactics, Obama would order the FBI to crack down and make mass arrests. Such White students would face 20-30 years in prison for civil rights violations and conspiracy to commit terrorism.

A similar movement happened in 1966 and 1967 when Chairman Mao endorsed the student led Red Guard. The Red Guard terrorized anyone they suspected of having "elitist" or "capitalist" views. People were tortured and made to give force confessions. The Red Guard considered themselves to be "rebels" even though they were the tools of the State.


  1. Correct. BLM are terrorists and ought to be treated as such.

  2. In the video, the black students are accusing the white woman of not making them "feel safe." They've surrounded and they're YELLING at her and flailing their arms like they're going to hit her. I would feel very unsafe in a situation like that. In fact, I wouldn't even feel safe enough to tell them: "You're making me feel very unsafe right now." Why is only one side (theirs) entitled to "feel safe"?

  3. How do white males know that Jew is the enemy?

    This is tricky because Jews don't declare themselves to be the enemy of the white race.

    But we must judge people by what they do than what they say. In terms of what Jews do, they are indeed the enemy of the white male. As the enemy of the white male, Jews are also the enemy of the white female because white females cannot exist without white males. White females exist cuz they had white fathers and white mothers. If their white mothers had muddied their wombs with the seeds of non-white men, they daughters would not be white females but muds.

    Anyway, where is the proof that Jews are the enemies of the white males and white race?

    Friends of the white race and white males will advise white males to do things that are good for white males and the white race. Friends of white race and white males will support policies that favor white males and white race.

    In contrast, enemies of the white race and white males will urge upon white males and white race to adopt policies and measures that are harmful to white male and white race interests.

    Now, what are the things that are advantageous to white males and white race?

    In territorial terms, it is good for white males and white race to keep white nations as white as possible. If the nations become less white, it means less white power. Are Jews urging whites to keep white nations white or to turn them into 'multi-culti' nations filled with blacks, browns, yellows, and etc? Jews are urging whites to fill up white nations and muddy them. Jews are giving the harmful advice that an enemy would give.


    1. In sexual terms, it is good for white males and white race to keep white women with white men so that they will love one another and white sperm will fertilize white eggs to produce future white generations. A friend of white males and white race will urge white females to stick with white males and produce future kids for the survival of the white race.
      In contrast, the enemy of white males and white race will urge white females to have sex with non-white men(especially vile Negroes) and have mixed-race kids or adopt black kids from Africa. And this enemy will urge white males to accept this humiliation as 'progress'. White males are to embrace their own castration and humiliation as a moral necessity. Or, even when married to white females, they are to be reduced to cuck behavior.

      Now, what kind of sexual attitude and behavior do Jews urge upon the white race? Jews urge white females to go with non-white males and urge white males to celebrate the racial-sexual treachery of women like Obama's mudshark mother. Jews are the enemy once again.

      In historical terms, it is good for white males and white race to maintain a Narrative that fills them with pride, honor, dignity, and sacred memory. Such sense of the past justifies their existence and power in the present and for the future. A friend of white males and white race would urge white males to favor and promote the kind of Narrative that will honor and defend the white race and its history.
      The enemy of white males and white race would urge white males to accept a new version of Narrative that blames white males for everything, defames their very existence, and denigrates the historical past of white males and white race.

      Do Jews urge white males to uphold and defend a Narrative of white pride and honor OR do Jews urge white males to adopt a new narrative that smears white history with filth and slime? We know that most Jews are like any number of asshole Jews who've taken over history departments all over America and push the anti-white Narrative.

      So, there is the proof. Jews are the enemy.

      In contrast, whites are the biggest friends of Jews. White urge Jews to defend Israeli territory with all their might. Whites urge Jews to maintain their Jewish identity. Whites don't tell Israeli women to have with Arab/Muslim men. Whites don't produce interracial porn where Arab men sexually conquer Jewish women. Even when Jews have children with non-Jews, whites fully support the Jewish parent insisting that the kid be raised as Jewish. In many cases, the gentile spouse even converts to Jewishness, as happened with Donald Trump's daughter. Also, whites fully support the Jewish Narrative that makes Jews out to be so good, virtuous, and innocent all through the ages.

      Whites urge upon Jews the kinds of territorial, sexual, and historical policies that favor and strengthen Jewish power, interests, and identity, WHEREAS Jews urge upon white males the kinds of territorial, sexual, and historical policies(narrative issues) that weaken and corrode white power, interests, and identity.

      JATE: Jews Are The Enemy.


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