Understanding the Orlando Reaction

The Left's response to the Orlando massacre has been as I had predicted. The media has been spinning that guns and bigotry against Muslims and gays are to blame. Their proposal is that we need to take guns away from White men and further increase non-White migration into the USA and Europe.

Some people on the Right have thought that a Muslim slaughter of gays would cause a dilemma for the SJWs. The dilemma is as follows:

Over the past few years, homosexuality has been elevated to the highest American value.  It is hard to go anywhere without seeing the rainbow flag. And homosexuals are treated with the utmost reverence on television. commericals and the movies. It is officially cool to be gay.

And, yet, mass Muslim immigration has been championed as a positive for both Europe and America. However, Muslims tend to be not so friendly to homosexuals. They have a tendency to execute homosexuals.

So who wins? Homosexuals or Muslims?

In the SJW's world, it doesn't matter. What matters is that homosexuality and mass immigration both reduce the White population. Their goal is the genocide of the White race. When you understand their end goal, these apparent contradictions make sense.


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