Trump vs. Hillary - Game Summary

I set my alarm to wake up at 3:00 A.M. Budapest Time to watch the much anticipated debate. Based one the hype, the debate was somewhat of a disappointment. Sadly, the visions we all had of Hillary collapsing on the stage did not materialize.

Trump started the debate strong discussing Trade, Crime and ISIS. I think the average "normie" was more impressed with his position. However, after the first 30 minutes, the debate got rather dull. And near the end of the debate, the moderator was debating Trump about tabloid issues (his taxes, birther stuff, etc.).  This is crap that the average American does not give a damn about.

As the mainstream media is almost 100% in the Hillary camp, it is difficult to get an unbiased moderator. Hillary was asked no questions about her support of the Iraqi war, the Clinton Foundation, Goldman Sachs, etc. The moderator only attacked Trump.

But as most of America now hates the mainstream media, I am not sure that this was a huge issue. Most Americans care about the economy, immigration and terrorism - not Trump's taxes.


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