Bill Clinton Calls ObamaCare "Crazy"

ObamaCare is a disaster. Even Bill Clinton called it "the craziest thing in the world." Yeah, I know Bill is getting old and senile, but sometimes truth comes out of such people.

The United States already has quasi-socialist medicine based on ObamaCare, Medicare, MedicAid, etc. The system somewhat worked as long as the majority of people were able to obtain insurance through their work. However, as jobs are being replaced via automation, and those that aren't replace are being shipped overseas, we are seeing the Middle Class losing health care.

Like it or not (and I don't), Single Payer health care is on the horizon. The hordes of the Third World flooding into the country will demand first rate health care. Socialized medicine can probably work OK in a homogeneous Scandinavian country. It can't work in a racial fractured country.


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