A Tale of Two Murders
The media and national government are currently in a frenzy concerning the murder of late term abortionist George Tiller. Tiller is infamous for performing grizzly late term abortions. As such he was somewhat a patron saint of the Democratic Party. And in modern America crimes are viewed through a political lens. In the same city (Wichita) a few years ago, the African-America Carr brothers went on a crime rampage and raped, tortured and killed six Whites. They were not charged with a hate crime. And the national media pretty much suppressed this story. It was considered to be somewhat racist even to mention this story. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wichita_Massacre Could anyone imagine that national hysteria that would erupt if two White brothers raped, tortured and killed African Americans? The national news coverage would be non-stop. The FBI would be dispatched. Hate crimes charges would be leveled. And so on. What we now have in America is a politically correct caste system based up...