
Showing posts from May, 2009

A Tale of Two Murders

The media and national government are currently in a frenzy concerning the murder of late term abortionist George Tiller. Tiller is infamous for performing grizzly late term abortions. As such he was somewhat a patron saint of the Democratic Party. And in modern America crimes are viewed through a political lens. In the same city (Wichita) a few years ago, the African-America Carr brothers went on a crime rampage and raped, tortured and killed six Whites. They were not charged with a hate crime. And the national media pretty much suppressed this story. It was considered to be somewhat racist even to mention this story. Could anyone imagine that national hysteria that would erupt if two White brothers raped, tortured and killed African Americans? The national news coverage would be non-stop. The FBI would be dispatched. Hate crimes charges would be leveled. And so on. What we now have in America is a politically correct caste system based up...

Ashton Kutcher's Project - End Hunger Now

I LOVE Ashton Kutcher. I know, may people think he is a typical pretentious Hollywood asshole. But I find his White boy pretending to be Black style to be endearing (sup, dog!) And I loved his Pledge Video he made for Obama. It is rare to see a grown man to grovel in such a fashion. But Ashton sure did. Anyway, now Ashton is tackling Hunger in America. And, of course, the best way to eliminate hunger is to create awareness videos. Ashton has asked all of us “artists” (hehe) on YouTube to create awareness videos for his cause. So here is my submission. Please pass this video around. I want to win. I think if my video wins, hunger will be eliminated from the Universe. Actor Ashton Kutcher is calling people to action by filming videos to raise awareness about hunger in America. Kutcher asked people on Friday night to help with his project. The videos are to be recorded of people looking into the camera and saying "Are you hungry?", then saying "Eat Something!" and then...

Slumdogs at Starbucks

My thoughts of the movie Slumdog Millionaire and diversity. Is diversity really a strength?

Should emotional abuse be illegal?

Should it be legal to criticize women? Malaysia is considering the definition of domestic violence to include emotional abuse. (Thanks to Novaseeker for finding this story.) KOTA KINABALU: A husband telling his wife that she is no longer pretty in an attempt to humiliate her can be classified as an emotional violence offence if amendments are made to the Domestic Violence Act (DVA)1994. The plan is to amend the DVA for the inclusion of a clause on emotional violence against women. Currently, they are only protected only against physical abuse, Women's Development Department director-general Datuk Dr Noorul Ainur Mohd Nur said.

Viva La Raza - Sonia Sotomayor

The nomination of Sonia Sotomayor promises to be a great justice to all Hispanics. She has promised to bring judicial insight based upon her race. She has addressed La Raza and is proud of her race. She has been aggressive in extending racial preferences to her people. I support her nomination in that people have the right to self-determination. Hispanics should be proud of their ethnic heritage. Hispanics should be allowed to have their own judges, laws and politicians. Such a concept is what creates nations.

Government Stalking

I was off on Memorial Day. And I was having a rare dream that was wonderful. (I won’t go into details because this is a family blog.) Anyway, then the phone rang first thing in the morning. My heart skipped a beat. Did someone die? Who would call so early on a holiday? It was the city government with an automatic dialer. They informed me that because it was Memorial Day, the city offices would be closed. I have no idea where the city offices are located. I have no idea what they do (except tax me.) But I do know that I could probably figure out that they were closed as it was a holiday. So I found the mayor’s cell number. And I plan to call him early when I leave on vacation. I figure he would want to know since his office called me. I should return the courtesy. However, if the government keeps on calling me I fear I will need to file a restraining order against the city. If that works I might also file one against the State and the Federal Government.

May God Curse Memorial Day

We perpetuate war by exalting its sacrifice. Unfortunately, Christians tend to be the first to advocate war. The original Christians were put to death for their refusal to join the Roman Legions. Now we have modern Christians (so called) that absolutely venerate the symbols of war. The fact that many Christians have associated the Prince of Peace with war is nothing short of Satanic and evil. Despite the propaganda, very few of our wars had anything to do with “defending liberty.” Most of the wars have been the result of entangling alliances and political scheming. Below is a clip from the movie The Americanization of Emily. In the clip the soldier explains how building statues, Memorial Day parades and making heroes of the dead only serves to glamorize and perpetuate war.

New wine in old wineskins

And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. If he does, the new wine will burst the skins, the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined – Jesus. In this verse Jesus explains how it is impossible to reform old institutions. In context this is often understood to explain how God had a new covenant that was no longer compatible with Judaism. Hence the old wineskin of Judaism was replaced with the new wineskin of Christianity. However, this metaphor can be applied to more than religion. The “old wineskins” can represent any old institution that has changed and lost its way. These institutions can include churches, political parties and even nations. With true change we many times need to discard the old wineskins and start anew. I believe we are at the point that the old institutions of this country can no longer be reformed. It is time for real change.

Zen and the art of juggling

Years ago I attended a conference in which a psychologist explained his theory of learning. His basic thesis was that we learn from our success, not our failures. Doing the same thing wrong over and over will never teach you. You first need to experience success so that the brain neurons can make the proper patterns. As part of the class, he said that he could teach anyone to juggle within a couple of hours. The key was to break down juggling into small pieces and have the brain properly learn bit by bit. As I was never that coordinated I was always skeptical that I could learn something that looked so difficult in just a couple of hours. But I gave it a try and I discovered that his theory worked. I have since applied the theory that we build on success, not failure to other parts of life. For example, if we are to be successful politically, we first need to gain small success. Trying to do something large all at once usually just leads to failure.

Is Rachel Alexandra a feminist?

The other day I was planning to do a satire video about feminists cheering the victory of the female horse Rachel Alexandra as a victory for women. Before I could create such a video I notice that The Onion had already done such a story. What is funny is that I was referenced to a Feminist Blog that actually believes that the fact that a female HORSE won the Preakness is somehow a victory for women’s rights. Could a farm animal be the new role model for feminists?

California governor plans to eliminate welfare

Amazing story just released a few hours ago. Of course, this is a bluff. If all welfare were to be cut off, Los Angeles would be in flames within 72 hours. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is proposing to completely eliminate the state’s welfare program for families, medical insurance for low-income children and Cal Grants cash assistance to college and university students. The proposals to sharply scale back the assistance that California provides to its neediest residents came in testimony by the administration this afternoon at a joint legislative budget committee hearing. It followed comments by the governor earlier today that he would be withdrawing a proposal to help balance the budget with billions of dollars of borrowing and replacing it with program reductions. The proposals would completely reshape the state’s social service network, transforming California from o...

Confederate flag controversy

It seems that the NAACP has launched a campaign against Homestead, Florida to ban the Sons of Confederate veterans from displaying the confederate flag in the Veteran’s Day parade. The Confederate Flag represents the heritage of the South. And what the NAACP fails to realize is that many African-Americans (and Indians) fought in the Civil War as Confederate soldiers. The Civil War was not about slavery, it was about the rights of the states to peacefully succeed. I find it somewhat ironic that the NAACP would protest diversity and tolerance.

The New Fling Chocolate Bar

The "Fling" is the first new chocolate bar Mars has introduced in more than 20 years. The candy bar is designed for today’s sexual and empowered woman. I never knew that eating a candy bar had sexual connotations. But as you can see from the video below eating a candy bar can be quite empowering and help to define your sexual identity. Thanks to Novaseeker for originally having this item on his blog.

Two Shot at Anti-Violence Rally

Two people were shot at an anti-violence rally in Midwest City, Oklahoma. Other than that, the rally was a success. The news pretty much writes my material.

Mom, 66, is oldest in world

Elizabeth Adeney, an Englishwoman, is due to have a baby in June. She is not married. And she celebrates her 67 birthday in July. Of course, she is too old to have a baby naturally. An egg from a Ukrainian woman was inserted into her womb. The fact that this child will probably be an orphan within a decade is of no concern. Scientists predict that we will soon be able to grow children in artificial wombs. As such, I will be able to buy some eggs when I get older and grow a few babies. The ones that don’t look cute I will throw down the drain (My incubator, My Choice).

Pope Benedict and the Nazis

Image JERUSALEM, MAY 12, 2009 ( A Vatican spokesman is clarifying that the young Joseph Ratzinger never formed part of the "Hitlerjugend" (the Hitler Youth corps), correcting misinformation reported by the Israeli press. Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, director of the Vatican press office, said at a press conference today in Jerusalem, "I have read something that is not true. The Pope never, never formed part of the Hitlerjugend, which was a corps of fanatic and ideological volunteers." Father Lombardi saw a need to clarify the facts today as the Israeli press has reacted badly to the Holy Father's address Monday at the Yad Vashem Holocaust memorial. They took issue with the Pope having used the word "killed" instead of "murdered," and other similar points. "Benedict XVI has nothing to do with violence; he is a gentle and humble person, tend...

John Lennon Killed Paul McCartney

I love to read the conservative news web site WorldNetDaily. WorldNetDaily always provides thoughtful and sober insights from a conservative perspective. In today’s edition, WorldNetDaily had an EXLUSIVE interview with a guy that claims John Lennon sold his soul to the Devil. This is obviously the most rational explanation as to why the Beatles were so popular. In my video I explain how the satanic John Lennon actually left us clues as to how he murdered Paul McCartney. The Paul McCartney that we know of today is an obvious fake. I plan to call WorldNetDaily and see if they want to interview me concerning this important story.

Netbooks for Wymyn

Dell has launched a web site targeted to women called “Della.” It pretty much shows thin, attractive, racially diverse, empowered women giggling over their Lattes while surfing the Internet in their stylish new computers. Under Technical Advice the web site informs these empowered women that computers can be used for more than e-mail. You can use your computer to find fabulous recipes! And you can buy a computer with a color that matches your shoes! OMG!!!! I checked with my daughter who is a Chemical Engineering major and she agrees that such a web site is offensive on many levels.

Buy Black

Below is a story describing the “Empowerment Experiment.” The goal is to encourage African Americans to avoid shopping at places that are owned by Whites, Hispanics or Asians. The media seems to think this is a good thing. Maggie and John Anderson of Chicago vowed four months ago that for one year, they would try to patronize only black-owned businesses. The "Empowerment Experiment" is the reason John had to suffer for hours with a stomach ache and Maggie no longer gets that brand-name lather when she washes her hair. A grocery trip is a 14-mile odyssey. "We kind of enjoy the sacrifice because we get to make the point ... but I am going without stuff and I am frustrated on a daily basis," Maggie Anderson said. "It's like, my people have been here 400 years and we don't even have a Walgreens to show for it." So far, the Andersons have spent hundreds of dollars with black businesses...

Japan wants men to kneel before toilet

Japanese women are starting an advertising campaign to encourage their men to kneel before the toilet. RAMZPAUL promises to defend America against such an attack.

Wanda Sykes is funny!

Below is a hilarious clip by Wanda Sykes at the annual White House Correspondents' Association dinner. It seems some stuffed shirt conservatives are mad because she joked that she hopes Rush Limbaugh dies of kidney failure. That Wanda always cracks me up!

Mothers Day Tribute

I felt sick last night. The usual symptoms of a fever, chills, etc. I went to sleep around 10:00 and I did not wake until 1:00 in the afternoon. Nothing like 15 hours of sleep. The words to this video were from Pink Floyd. It is what it is. Hope everyone had a great Mothers Day.

Turkey Mountain Witch Project

Hey, this is not RAMZPAUL. I was just hiking on Turkey Mountain when I found a discarded backpack. While looking through the pack I found the RAMZPAUL name with the password. I hope he doesn’t mind that I post this. I also found a small flip camera in the pack. I have loaded the raw video up to YouTube. I am not sure exactly what happened.

To Boldly Go...

I went to see the new Star Trek movie today. It was OK. It was the usual time travel and shoot them up plot. Maybe it is because I am getting older, but that plot line is starting to bore me. Oh, but there was the epic nerd fight in the theatre before the movie. It seems that this one guy took a seat that a really fat guy was saving. The fat guy looked just like the comic book guy in The Simpsons. They were shouting at each other and the usher had to come to settle them down. I suggested that they should settle their difference by using the traditional Klingon duel of honor. They didn’t seem to interested in my idea. Even in his young days Kirk was still having sex with the green skins girls. I can respect that.


Just my thoughts on regrets. Back to my regular videos tomorrow.

The John Edwards Affair

The mainstream media has been running various stories about the John Edwards affair. I guess since the swine flu turned out to be a hoax, it is time to move on to some other gossip. Elizabeth has assumed the role of the long suffering wife. She plans an Oprah appearance to push her book about the subject. (Color me skeptical that she is all that hurt if she is willing to go on national TV and hawk her book about the subject.) Anyway, the usual experts are puzzled as to why Elizabeth stays with John. It must be her true love for him. Yeah, I am sure that is it.

"Love Story" One Man. One Dream. One Stalker.

Below is a sappy video this guy put together on YouTube to win back a girl that dumped a year ago. It has become something of a YouTube hit with over one million views. And all the girls that have commented think it is so “romantic.” Of course, his ex has not responded to him and I am sure she thinks it is creepy bordering on stalking behavior. Guys get so stupid and romantic over girls. If a girl does not respond to you anymore, just go. Don’t make become a weird stalker.

Happy Star Wars Day!

I hope all of you had a happy and safe Star Wars Day. The couple below decided to have a Star Wars theme wedding. (I wonder if they played The Imperial March? Would be appropriate.) And here is a picture of Princess Leah. The hottest science fiction character EVAR.

The Lust Map

Geographers from Kansas State University have mapped the seven deadly sins using various statistical data by county. Lust, for example, was calculated using the number of reported STDs per capita (red is above average, blue below): Looks like the South is been having some fun. Liberals have been using this map to poke fun a the Bible Belt. But could there be another factor? Below is a map of the percentage of African Americans by state: African Americans have a high rate of illegitimacy. Fathers are rare to be found. (Although Whites are quickly catching up.) Let’s take a look at illegitimacy and the rate of STDs:

CHP Leaks Death Photos

There has been some sad publicity of the death of Nikki Catsouras. Nikki was an 18 year old girl that crashed her Dad’s Porsche into a toll booth at 100 MPH. Obviously she died instantly. The California Highway Patrol (CHP) takes photos of all serious accidents. One of the photos was of Nikki’s mangled body. Well, Thomas O’Donnell thought it would be amusing to leak these gory pictures. So these pictures ended up on the internet. Since these pictures have been leaked to the Internet the family has be harassed by anonymous retards sending them photos of their mangled daughter. In response the family sued CHP. The judge dismissed the suit claiming that while what Thomas O’Donnell did was despicable, it was not illegal. Blah… stories like this can make one root for the Swine Flu. The depravity of some people never ceases to amaze me.

Alien Skull Found on Mars!

UFO experts have identified an alien skull based on the photographs that were returned from NASA. It looks like the alien was for some reason buried up to his neck before he died. Was this a punishment? Or some sort of strange alien ritual? We may never know. Amazingly, I found an alien skull in my garden (see below). The skull I found looks like it may have belonged to a fat alien. Anyway, now that we have conclusive photographic evidence, hopefully this will shut up the alien deniers.