
Showing posts from January, 2009

Woman Plans Murder of Husband

Here is a news story about a man who blames himself for his wife’s plot to murder him: Tim Kenealy was in court to support his wife Zoe as she was given seven years behind bars for attempting to take out a contract on his life with thousands of pounds of borrowed money. He put his head in his hands as he heard Judge Gregory Stone sentence her for the “cynical and cruel” plot which saw her hand £3,000 to a neighbour to pay for the killing. Zoe had an affair with the next door neighbor. While she was having an affair, she decided that if she had her husband killed she could collect the insurance money. Her bad boy lover agreed to do it if she paid him 3,000 pounds. As she did not have the money, she talked her poor husband into taking out a home improvement loan. She used this money to hire the hit man. The plot was foiled and she was found guilty of conspiracy to murder. Since she was a woman, she was only sentenced to three and a half years*. (I imagine a man would receive life in pris...

PSA - Watch This Video

As part of Starbuck’s Pledge5 campaign , I have been passionate about educating people. One area that seems to be difficult for some women is what to do if you don’t like a video? As I am not a woman, I thought I would invite Molly to provide a woman’s perspective on strategies and coping techniques with dealing with a video that you don’t like. Molly is a student at OSU who is a Chemical Engineering and Math major. As part of her rigorous curriculum she has developed sophisticated techniques with dealing with such issues. I have asked her to share with us her insights into this issue. Please watch this video before you watch any of my other videos. This video will give you invaluable tools and techniques in coping with ideas that you might find objectionable. Remember, together we CAN make a difference. YES WE CAN!

A Trillion Dollar Stimulus

Americans United for Change is a liberal think tank that is airing ads in support of the trillion dollar stimulus package. You can see one of their ads below. We entered this economic crisis due to spending more as a nation than we produce. So, obviously, the cure is to spend even more! I suppose that such people also believe that the way to cure a heroin addiction is to give the addict even more hits of heroin. Makes sense to me.

Silencing Political Speech

I consider the censorship of political speech to be one of the worst manifestations of tyranny. Once we are not allowed to speak as free men, all our other freedoms are doomed. This subject has been in the news recently concerning Obama’s spat with Rush Limbaugh. While I am not a huge fan of Rush, I absolutely believe he has the right to criticize the government. The fact that Obama suggested otherwise was quite chilling. While I was thinking about blogging about this topic today, I was notified by YouTube that my Race and Illegitimacy video was removed. The video discussed the issue of how illegitimacy is not based on race, but it is produced by government policies that enable the behavior. While welfare destroyed the Black father in the 1960s, child support has been destroying the White father in recent years. The topic of a lack of fathers has been debated in many countries. Obama has often talked about the need of fathers. So this is not exactly a new issue. Well, it seems some unw...

RAMZPAUL Interview

I was honored to be a guest on the Jimmy Z radio show. We discussed my videos and politics. It was a lot of fun. The interview can be found at: I was interviewed during the Wednesday, January 29th show (Part 2).

California bankrupt - may issue IOUs

It looks like California will run out of money by February 1. And unless Uncle Obama comes up with the money, the state will start to issue IOUs as payment to state workers. Of course, California is hopelessly bankrupt. As they have opened the immigration floodgates, the tax revenue does not begin to pay for the free education and health care provided to illegal immigrants. Most of the people in California are on the state’s teat. The primary employers include the prison industry and the broken school system. And when expenses exceed tax revenue, it is not difficult to see the end result. California is no longer credit worthy to borrow more funds. In a sense, California is a microcosm of America. The key difference is that the State of California cannot print money like the Federal government. However, this did raise an interesting question for me. If California is willing to pay in IOUs, would the IRS be willing to accept IOUs as a form of payment? As this web site is dedicated to edu...

Pelosi wants stimulus money for abortions

Per the DrudgeReport: Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi boldly defended a move to add birth control funding to the new economic "stimulus" package, claiming "contraception will reduce costs to the states and to the federal government." Have you guys seen this picture of Nancy? Yikes! This is an image that will help prevent conception. Nancy is a 68 year old limousine liberal from the Bay Area. She is considered to be one of the richest people in Congress. She is stuck in some time warp in which she thinks it is perpetually 1968. While she wants to ensure that the stimulus loot does not go to White construction workers, she is interested in funneling this loot to her aging feminist hags at Planned Parenthood. The theory is that funding these useless bureaucrats somehow will reduce illegitimacy. The fact that this strategy has been employed over the last 40 years and has been a spectacular failure is of no concern to Nancy. Maybe she is just getting senile.

Sunday Morning at OSU

My daughter told me that OSU now has some of the most “progressive” restrictions concerning smoking in the United States. Possession of cigarettes (yes, just having cigarettes let alone smoking) can result in your arrest and a $250 fine. When I was a university student such a regulation would have met with immediate civil disobedience. Now college students are quite docile and willing to obey the government. Of course, when my daughter told me of the restriction I knew we would have to smoke in the middle of the university court yard. So this Sunday morning we sat on campus smoking cigarettes. We received some dirty looks, but no one called the police on us. My son held the camera for a bit and he was getting bored (so the footage is wobbly). But thanks Alex, for doing this. Anyway, this is just a video of a father and daughter smoking cigarettes in a park. Not a profound video. Just a memory of a time past when the State did not attempt to control all aspects of our lives.

Pledge5 - War Against Nitrogen!

This video is to raise awareness of the dangers of nitrogen which can be found in our atmosphere. Many of you might not be aware that this deadly gas can be found in our atmosphere. This gas is colorless and odorless. This deadly gas is harmful to all - especially to women and people of color. Here is the official Starbuck’s video that inspired me: As part of Starbuck’s Pledge5 campaign (in support of Obama – Bless His Holy Name) I plan to help raise awareness of nitrogen. I will not rest until the war against nitrogen has been won. The fight against nitrogen will not be easy. But together we can WIN this fight! YES WE CAN!

White Men Need Not Apply

Robert Reich, Obama’s economic advisor, recently made the following comments to Congress: I am concerned, as I’m sure many of you are, that these jobs not simply go to high-skilled people who are already professionals or to white male construction workers. … I have nothing against white male construction workers. I’m just saying that there are a lot of other people who have needs as well. … Criteria can be set so that the money does go to others, the long term unemployed minorities, women, people who are not necessarily construction workers or high-skilled professionals. Of course, if Reich had mentioned any other demographic group, he would now be out of a job. But he realizes that White Males are a safe target. We are expected to produce and maintain civilization while others loot. This is an example of what occurs under socialism. Instead of rewarding people based on their ability, we reward people based on their need. The people who have the ability are sacrificed for the NEEDS of ...

I Pledge! (unedited version)

The other day, I had lunch with Demi Moore on her Gulf Stream jet. We discussed various topics such as global warming and the plight of the poor in Africa. Anyway, we hit some turbulence and our Perrier-Jouet Champagne spilled on the floor and the imported caviar flew up in the air! Poor Demi was picking caviar out of her hair the rest of the flight as we discussed ending world hunger. I tell you, we never laughed so hard. Sometime during our laughter, Demi suddenly had a great idea – we need to make a video showing how we rich and famous promise to serve and obey our glorious leader – Obama. Creating videos showing how much we care about poverty and social issues is a traditional away that we elite help the world. The last time we did such a thing was when we tearfully sang “We are the World”. (These sorts of things also make a nice tax write off, but that is another matter.) So we got together with our rich and famous friends and we put together this video. We hope that this video wi...

Doom and Gloom?

Pat Buchanan recently argued that the Republican Party is in danger of going the way of the Whig Party due to changing demographics. The argument is as follows – the Republican Party is primarily supported by White Americans. Due to Third World immigration and low White birth rates, America is being transformed from a White nation. Non-Whites rarely support the Republican ideals such as limited government and personal responsibility. As such, the United States is morphing into a one party state (represented by the Democratic Party). The problem with Pat’s thesis is that is pre-supposes that the Republican Party has been an advocate of freedom and liberty. While the GOP may talk a good line, in reality the GOP has governed in such a manner to greatly increase the scope and power of the State. Spending has gone through the roof while our constitutional liberties have been shredded through odious legislation such as the Patriot Act. So while the Republicans may never again gain national p...

Wedding Day - Obama Marries American Women

The United States Presidency has changed radically since the founding of the country. Fearing the rise of a king or a dictatorship the founding fathers wanted to check the power of the Executive branch of the government. Hence the Constitution was created to limit the power of government – especially the Executive Branch. The Founders did not want another king. The original office of the Presidency was quite weak. The majority of powers were delegated to the States. The Governorship of a state (such as New York) was considered to be much more powerful and influential that the Presidency. This was reflected in Thomas Jefferson’s tombstone in which he listed being governor of New York but did not bother to mention that he was President. The Presidency simply was not that important. The States had the power. Over the years the Presidency grew in power. Lincoln was the first President to exert the Federal authority over the states. After the Civil War, it was clear that the States has beco...

Love, Sacrifice and Need

I am currently reading Atlas Shrugged again. Atlas Shrugged was the seminal novel by Ayn Rand that helped to shape and define the Libertarian movement. (Although, Ayn Rand always considered herself to be an Objectivist, not a Libertarian.) Atlas Shrugged is considered to be one of the most influential novels of the 20th century. It falls into the must read category. The novel is set in America during a time of economic decay. As the economy falters, the government intervenes with more programs and controls. These controls further damage the economy which leads to even more government controls. The government is always preaching about the need for sacrifice and the public good. Sound familiar? We are now living this novel. However, while the novel did deal with economic matters, the prime focus was on the spiritual. For just as we have looters and moochers in the economy, we have people who loot the spirit. These are the people that claim that their “need” is justification for their cla...

Stepford Wife Neighborhood Hell

A hilarious story about a woman that created a commotion when she placed various mannequin heads on her property. This offended the delicate sensibilities of the local sisterhood. Did they confront the offending lady and express their displeasure? No. They did what most strong and independent women do - they called the government for help. Anyone that has lived in suburbia knows that it is populated by these hideous busybodies (invariably women) who think they know best how their neighbors should live their lives. Typically, neighborhood covenants are formed to prevent any variation of style from the norm. God forbid if anyone should ever have a thought or style that is outside what is fashionable at the moment. So the neighborhood women picked up their phones and bitched to the City Councilman and the police. (Luckily, crime must be almost non-existent for the police to spend so much time on this mannequin head case.) The City Councilman, Jack Benson, should have told the women to shu...

29 years old and 10 illegitimate children

Here is a heartwarming story of a 29 year old Flint, Michigan woman who already has 10 illegitimate children. She survives via leeching off the tax payer and private charities. And without a sense of irony, she describes herself as a “stay at home mom.” She boasts that her children are good and on the school’s honor roll (which in Flint Michigan means they have not knifed a teacher). In reality, without a father we know statistically that most of these boys will end up in prison or an early grave. The girls will probably have children before their 15th birthday. Society is reaching a breaking point in which this behavior can no longer be tolerated. Civilization, and all of its comforts that we take for granted, cannot continue with children raised in a feral manner. We need to end subsidizing this behavior through welfare and child support, or we will soon return to the jungle. And as much as feminists may bitch about Western Civilization, I don’t think they will like how women are tre...

Marriage and the Aging Feminist

Lori Gottlieb wrote an essay in the March 2008 edition of the Atlantic Monthly entitled, “Marry Him! - The case for settling for Mr. Good Enough ” The premise of the essay is that it is a mistake for women to wait too long to get married. Looking at Miss Gottlieb web site , you can see that she is a 40 something petite white girl. While she is still attractive, I bet she was quite hot in her 20s and early 30s. However, when she dated at that age, she never found a man that measured up to her standards. As such, she found herself pushing 40 without a man, or a baby. Unfortunately, Miss Gottlieb decided to become an unwed mother. And she is just now realizing that raising a child without a father is not quite as glamorous as it is shown on TV and the movies. So choosing a man based on love is no longer a requirement for her. She is looking for someone to help her with her bastard child. As she wrote: Even women who settle but end up divorced might be in a better position than those of u...

Teens, Nudity and Insanity in America

The sexual insanity continues in America. Three teenage girls who allegedly sent nude or semi-nude cell phone pictures of themselves, and three male classmates in a Greensburg Salem High School who received them, are charged with child pornography.Police said the girls are 14 or 15, and the boys charged with receiving the photos are 16 or 17. None are being identified because most criminal cases in Pennsylvania juvenile courts are not public."It was a self portrait taken of a juvenile female taking pictures of her body, nude," said Capt. George Seranko of the Greensburg Police Department. WTF? We live in a society in which schools constantly promote “safe sex” to children, and yet, a girl that takes a nude picture is arrested for child pornography. It would have literally been legal for these same girls and boys to engage in group sex, but it is illegal for the same girls to take topless pictures of themselves? This is the same society that sexualizes children (especially gir...

Hollywood is Gay

Per The Scottish Sun: SPIDER-MAN creator Stan Lee is to unveil the world’s first gay superhero. High school basketball star Thom Creed hides his developing superpowers along with his sexuality. Former Marvel Comics boss Stan, 86 — who also created the Hulk and the X-Men — will unleash the character in an hour-long TV drama being shot in the US. Fabulous! Just what young boys want to see in a comic – a superhero that takes it up the you-know-what. According to a report from GLAAD (a homosexual advocacy group), there are 22 series featuring 35 openly gay characters for the Fall 2008 TV season. Do we really need a gay superhero on top (no pun intended) of that? Currently, 80% of the network television audience is women. Straight men are simply not interested in television anymore. The problem is that many of the Hollywood writers are gay males that simply do not understand heterosexual men. Straight men (and boys) want adventure stories in which the hero wins the love of a girl. Sex in t...

College Girl Sells Virginity

Here is a story of a Woman’s Study Major (snicker) who put her virginity up for auction. Amazingly, this horse face whore has apparently found some loser to pay her 3.7 million dollars to have sex with her. Oh, and this little darling is planning to get her master’s degree in Family and Marriage Therapy (I kid you not.) So after she graduates there is a good possibility that she will work as an “expert” advisor to a Family Court. If you happened to be a young married guy that gets served divorce papers, you might be lucky enough to have this darling as the expert witness in determining who gets custody of your children. Yes, future Family Court judges will undoubtedly rely on Miss Dylan’s sober expertise in evaluating healthy relationships. Real life is funnier than fiction.

Teacher Has Sex with 13 year old

Here is another in a latest in a string of stories of a female school teacher having sex with a student. There have been so many of these stories it is hard to track them all. Of course, it is considered sexy, funny and edgy when a female teacher sleeps with a student. Such a woman is never called a pedophile and people speak of her in a sympathetic manner as some poor lady who needs help. If a male teacher should sleep with a 13 year old girl, he would be facing life in prison. In this case Christine A. McCallum, 29, had sex over 300 times with a student. The sex started when she got him drunk at 13 years of age and continued until he dropped her sorry ass when he was 15. (It seems he wanted to have some fun with girls his own age.). Her poor sap of a husband (pictured here) is standing by her in court. What an idiot. She screws around with a child and he is still supporting her like some Beta Male. Ugh. I can’t imagine she ever had sex with him. After her legal troubles are over (whi...

Women's Magazines - Sex, Diets and Weddings

Looking at a typical bookstore’s magazine rack is revealing in the difference between men and women. The magazine targeted towards men focus on cars, sports, technology, hobbies, money, business, politics and adventure. All of these topics tend to be focused outward. Women’s magazines tend to focus on sex, diets, fashion, weddings and celebrity gossip. Most of these topics tend to be focused inward on the self. (In fact, there is a woman’s magazine entitled Self). Despite years of feminism taught in the schools and preached non-stop in the mainstream media, women and men tend to gravitate towards traditional roles. Women dream of being the center of attention in a big wedding. Men dream of climbing mountains and driving fast cars. Of course, there are exceptions. I suppose that there are women who dream of climbing mountains and driving fast cars. However, is there a heterosexual man that dreams about looking fabulous at a wedding? One of the failures of feminism is trying to deny that...

Heartbreak and the Nice Guy

One of the problems Nice Guys have is maintaining a healthy relationship. As female approval defines a Nice Guy’s life, he tends to be needy and clingy. This pushes the girl away and then he is heartbroken. This is a pattern I have observed with many Nice Guys. Here is a quote from a guy (and my response) that was relating his problem of recovering from a break up. He had all of the typical Nice Guy behaviors – need for female validation, neediness, a lack of control, etc. Nice Guy: The way things broke off really damaged my self esteem -- I just didn't measure up for her, and she didn't really care about my aspirations at some point. That’s because she does not like you. I don’t mean to be harsh. But sometimes we guys come up with a thousand different rationalizations rather than just facing the obvious. (I have been guilty of this many times.) This story is one that has been repeated a million times. She starts with a high interest level in you. Over time she starts to get...

Liskula Cohen to sue RAMZPAUL?

Here is a story in which some washed up model is suing a blog because some anonymous poster called her a skank and a ho. Liskula Cohen, 36, is seeking a court order that would force Google to reveal the person or persons behind the postings so she can hold them accountable with a defamation lawsuit. Jeez… if I could sue everyone that posted a mean comment on my YouTube blog, I would be quite rich. The blog is called NY Skanks. The blog consists of about 3 posts. The blog looks like it was created by a special education student as a school project. Me thinks something smells fishy about that blog. (And, if the lawyers of Liskula Cohen are reading this, I am NOT referring to Miss Cohen’s hygiene.) I wouldn’t be surprised if Miss Cohen was behind the blog as a publicity stunt in an attempt to revive a waning career. Anyway, Cohen does not need to force Google to determine the identity of some anonymous posters. She can sue me! For I am on record as claiming that Liskula Cohen is a petula...

Cystic Fibrosis - Politically Incorrect Disease

Students at the University of Ottawa decided to cease fund raising efforts when they were horrified to learn that a cure might benefit White Men. The students failed to grasp the irony of the situation as they made the proclamation from an institution that was made possible through the efforts of White Men. Could you imagine if a student union decided not to fund research into a disease because it primarily benefited African-Americans or Jews? The outrage and gnashing of teeth would be non-stop on the mainstream media. The students would be immediately expelled and be sent to re-education camps, (aka “sensitivity training”). I imagine that there were probably some White guys that went along with this nonsense. They probably hoped that if they appeared to be nice and diverse they could get into the pants of some cute girls on the fund raising committee. What they fail to realize is that everyone (including the girls) look at them as a bunch of pathetic self-hating losers. Blah… Nice Guy...

How to Deal with Conflict

The RBC Technique Nice Guys tend to have the problem with dealing directly with conflict. Any time there is a conflict a Nice Guy will typically acquiesce in attempt to maintain the peace. Of course, there is a price to this submission – the conflict never gets resolved. Typically, a Nice Guy will slink off after avoiding a confrontation and lick his wounds as a victim. Then instead of dealing with the problem directly, he will express his anger if a passive-aggressive manner. I knew a married woman at work who was intelligent, funny and quite pretty. However, she had the unfortunate habit of spending much of her time in an inappropriate manner with other men. Her husband was the typical Nice Guy. He provided well, was kind and considerate. He also had the Nice Guy trait of avoiding conflict. So instead of dealing with the situation directly, he just pouted and became resentful. According to her, he was always acting in a passive-aggressive manner. Years later I learned that she divorc...

Jews, Arabs and Entangling Alliances

As long as I can remember the Arabs and the Jews have been fighting in the Middle East. I can remember as a kid watching President Carter hosting Begin and Sadat as part of the Camp David accords. Supposedly, that summit was to bring a long lasting peace to the region. Of course, it didn’t work. The fighting and squabbling has continued over the past 30 years. When I was a small child, I was attended a fundamentalist Baptist Church and school. The Church preached a dispensationalist theology. This theology basically claimed that we were living in the End Times and the Rapture would happen soon. I remember my third grade teacher telling us that while the bicentennial was approaching, it would not matter as Jesus was sure to come before 1976! I remember reading Hal Lindsey’s The Late Great Planet Earth. This book was basically Dispensational pornography. It told of coming plagues, rivers of blood, marks of the beast and other stuff that I found cool as a young boy. Church might have ...

Race and Illegitimate Children

I had an interesting comment in response to my How to Eliminate Bastard Children video. The comment was in regards to race and illegitimacy. The comment is as follows: Hmm, you have some interesting points - i was especially interested in your discussion of inflation and deflation. Now, having watched several of your videos, I am disturbed at your characterisations of those who are not white American males. I have frequently heard you use the words "uncivilised", "animal", "savage" to describe non-whites and foreigners. I suggest you check your facts. Why do you think single parent families and are exclusively an african-american and not a poverty issue? I stand by my use of the term “animals”. I used the same term in regards to British people in my video “ British Culture Flushed Down the Toilet ”. As such, I believe that people of any race can be relegated to the level of an animal. In fact, all children are born as basic animals. What is required to tu...

Amtrak arrests man for taking photos

Photographer Duane Kerzic was arrested by the Amtrak Police for trespassing when he refused to delete pictures of trains. Kerzic was photographing trains as part of Amtrak’s annual contest for photos of Amtrak trains. This story has all the ingredients that you would find in some banana republic: A decrepit socialist railroad – check A second rate thug acting as a cop – check A government frightened of its own people - check Kudos for Mr. Kerzic for refusing to submit to the government thug. Most men would simply obey in order not to get into trouble. Mr. Kerzic demonstrated that he is a man of integrity. True freedom means freedom from the government.

Mainstream Journalists Suck

The online Wall Street Journal published a column from Paul Mulshine of the Newark Star-Ledger in which Mulshine bitched and moaned over the loss of “real” journalism in favor of bloggers. (The irony that he is bitching about bloggers on a blog seems to escape Mr. Mulshine). The mainstream media is still trying to come to terms that intelligent people are now turning to the web to gather information. It seems that Mr. Mulshine and his ilk are reminiscing over the good old days when they acted as gatekeepers of information and had the power to exclude unpopular opinions. Those days are now over as people are able to carry their message without the mainstream media’s permission. Of course, this pisses off the government and their mainstream media lapdog. Gone are the good old days in which being a journalist meant confronting the establishment and exposing corruption. Years ago, the primary qualifications to become a good reporter included the ability to write well and have a sense of do...

The Motorcycle, The Thug and the Nice Guy

Many times I have encountered guys that seem to need to get permission from their wives or girlfriends to pursue their passions or hobbies. This type of character is typically what you see on television commercials and sitcoms. The guy is some doofus that has to check with the “old lady” before he can take a piss on his own. What is sad is when you see this behavior in real life. Sadly, I have met such men that are such henpecked that they can’t live life without getting permission from their surrogate mother (wife or girlfriend.) Below is a sample of a guy who has publically emasculated himself. This poor sap is giving up his beloved motorcycle based on the bitchy of his wife. This is typical nice guy behavior. These guys are so weak that they can’t imagine saying the word “No” to a woman. I bet his wife looks like a 300 pound hog. Then we have a story of this Mexican beauty queen babe: I imagine such a beauty has her pick of guys to hang with. Logically, she would probably choose a n...

PUAs are Nice Guys

In this video I explain how the Pick Up Artist (PUA) has the same premise as the Nice Guy. A brief explanation of terms: Nice Guy – A Nice Guy is a man that attempts to gain validation of his life through the approval of others (especially women). The typical Nice Guy will attempt to gain this approval through acting “nice”. A Nice Guy avoids confrontation and attempts to appease and pacify the women in his life. The Nice Guy is scared to be his true self. He must always tailor his words and actions in an attempt to please others. Nice Guys tend to be frustrated in life and this frustration is manifested in passive-aggressive behavior. PUA – A Pick Up Artist (PUA) is a guy that tries to manipulate women to gain sex. This typically involves creating an elaborate act (usually referred to as “game”) that specifies how a guy should talk, stand, eat, and walk in order to trick a woman into sex. As with a Nice Guy, the PUA gains his sense of self worth through the approval of women. The pr...